Wednesday, June 9, 2010

All new things go through 4 stages

Prototype, Luxury, Necessity and Constitutional Right.


  1. For the greater good of the communication industry. Capitalism.

  2. Anything can become a right. The Right To Shoes: If a person doesn't have footwear, how can he get out of he house to do work?

    I'm increasingly convinced that for something to become a right, it's less important to demonstrate positive externalities than it is to sell it emotionally.

    Btw, how'd you get those orange and brown brushstrokes behind your blog title? I want to get something like that.

  3. With the right to broadband come many rights: The right to free porn; the right to stick it to the RIAA; the right to think blogspot can make you a real economist; the right to free porn; the right to asinine email IDs; cyber sex;the right to free porn - you get the drift.

    You don't want brush strokes on your blog. Sobriety, young padawan. Sobriety.

    And that's my Star Wars reference done.

  4. "Something *like* that", not exactly that.

    I was think flying trains. Sci-Fi, not harry potter
